Frequently asked questions

Here you will find the answers to frequently asked questions from other landlords. Is your question not listed? Then don't hesitate to get in touch.

  • Is it possible to let my house?

    Wanneer u eigenaar bent van de woning en in de koopakte staat niets vermeld over het verhuren van uw woning dan bent u in de mogelijkheid om uw woning te verhuren. Veelal staat er in een koopakte dat verhuur alleen is toegestaan wanneer de hypotheekverstrekker daarvan op de hoogte is. Indien dit het geval is raden wij u aan om contact op te nemen met ons kantoor, wij zien in één oogopslag wat de evt. restricties zijn. Wanneer er geen hypotheek rust op de woning dan is verhuur van de woning mogelijk. Indien het gaat om een appartement in een appartementencomplex dan dient de Vereniging van Eigenaren (VVE) ook geïnformeerd te worden over de verhuur van de woning. Meestal staat dit in de statuten en in het huishoudelijk reglement.

  • What do I have to arrange if I would like to let my house?
    It is wise to look carefully in the purchase contract to see if there are any restrictions. If rental seems possible, it is good to have the rent tested by a rental agent. It is important for a landlord to know what the intended rental income will be. Determine in advance how you will deliver the house, fully furnished or unfurnished. Furnished rental attracts a different target group than when the house is delivered empty. It is also important to determine in advance how long the house will be available and which lease agreement will be applied. In addition, the house must be well maintained so that there are little or no maintenance issues during the rental period. Also think about the property management of your home, you can find more information about this at
  • Can I rent out my home for a temporary period?
    Yes! For several years now it has been possible to draw up a rental agreement for a definite period, the end date is then clear. This can be a period of a few months up to a maximum of 24 months. A timely notification (3-6 months before the expiry of the lease) to the tenant stating that the rental period is terminated is sufficient to get the property back without a tenant. It is not possible to extend a temporary rental contract with another temporary agreement. If the tenant stays in the house after the first term, the temporary nature of the agreement will lapse, and the agreement will continue for an indefinite period (permanent contract).
  • Is it better to rent out to a specific type of tenant?
    Our employees do not distinguish between tenants, but if an owner has a specific wish to rent out to an expat, we will comply with this. The demand for rental housing from expats is very high. Expats are usually looking for furnished rental properties located near public transport. Our experience is that an expat lives in the house for an average of 3 years.
  • Is my home classified as a private sector house?
    That depends on several components; the size of the house, what kind of energy label does the house have, in which region is the house located, is it a monument, these are all components that determine whether the house is classified as a private sector house. This topic has been subject to change in recent years. It is wise to have your home tested by one of our employees.
  • Can I sublet?
    If you do not own the property, it is important to ask the owner or landlord whether temporary letting to third parties is allowed. An owner must give written permission for this. Subletting is often allowed when it concerns a temporary period. Also, in the case of subletting, record the agreements in a rental agreement
  • Do I need a permit to let my property?
    If you rent out a house to a maximum of 2 (adult) people, you do not need a permit from the municipality. If you want to rent out the house to more than 2 (adult) people, you must apply for a permit from the municipality. In that case, we speak of room-based rental. When you have obtained a permit, every resident can register with the municipality. In Amsterdam we speak of a conversion permit, it is important that you take in to account the policy of the municipality. We do not recommend renting to more than 2 people without a permit!
  • Do I pay tax on my rental income?
    If it concerns a second home that you are the owner of, your home is part of your box 3 capital. You do not have to state the rental income from the second home, it belongs to your assets. The tax authorities charge a fixed percentage on this income. An example: You bought a second home for € 300,000 and you rent it out for € 1.650 per month (€ 19.800 per year / € 300.000 = 0.07 =) 7%, this income is tax-free. However, you do have to pay wealth tax on the WOZ value of the house minus the possible mortgage debt on the property. If you temporarily rent out your own home, you must state 70% of the rental income as income from temporary letting. You can do this in box 1. How much income tax you must pay depends on the whole picture, such as your salary and your assets.
  • How should I present my house for rental?
    If you want to rent out the house unfurnished, this includes floor(covering), lamps, curtains and appliances such as refrigerator, dishwasher, washing machine and dryer. The delivery is without furniture. If you want to rent out the house furnished, the house must be ready right away at the start of the lease. A tenant only brings a suitcase and wants to check in and feel at home in the house on the first day. In addition to complete furnishings, kitchenware, linen, towels, a vacuum cleaner must also be present. We often advise landlords on what to pay attention to during delivery so that a tenant lacks nothing.
  • Do I have to outsource the property management if I am going to rent out my home?
    You are not obliged to outsource the management of your home; you can continue to do this yourself. As a manager, you should keep in mind that you remain reachable to the tenant. It is nice for a tenant if calamities are solved quickly, a manager must then act quickly. If you are staying abroad, make sure you have a contact person or manager who works in the area. If you invest a lot of time in the rental of your home(s), the tax authorities can see this as doing business, you can then be classified in box 1 where a different tax rate applies. We advise landlords with 4 or more properties to outsource the management of the houses. More info about our property management department you can find here:
  • Do I have to inform my bank about the rental of my home?
    Yes, we do recommend that. Many mortgage lenders state that the bank must be informed when a house is rented out. If you have a rental mortgage, it is not necessary to inform the mortgage lender. If the mortgage conditions state that you are not allowed to rent out, there is still a possibility to make agreements with the mortgage lender so that permission is eventually given. Mortgage lenders prefer to avoid risks. For example, tenants in the Netherlands are protected and in the past, it was a problem to terminate a lease. It is now possible to conclude a temporary rental agreement, which gives a landlord the opportunity to dissolve a contract, which takes away a lot of risk. A (temporary) departure abroad can also be a reason to temporarily rent out a home. There are mortgage lenders who attach different conditions to this. In many cases, a maximum duration of 3 years applies, and a condition is that you eventually move back into the house yourself.
  • Do I have to inform my insurer about the rental of my home?
    Yes! Your insurer will review your policy with you and check whether your insurance is still appropriate for your situation. For example, your liability insurance (AVP), and your home & contents insurance will be looked at. A tenant must also have liability insurance and cannot insure himself for the inventory that belongs to the owner and is in the house.
  • Do I have to present an energy label to the tenant?
    Yes, that is an obligation. An energy label shows how energy-efficient a home is. For home advertising on, for example, websites and shop windows, it has been mandatory since 2022 to show which classification the home has (A = energy-efficient, G = not energy-efficient). When a rental agreement is concluded, an energy label must also be presented.
  • Who pays the municipal levies and taxes?
    There are different taxes that apply. The real estate tax (OZB) is for an owner. These costs may not be passed on to a tenant. Waste levy, water board tax and sewerage levy are user charges, these are for the account of the tenant.
  • Does the tenant pay the bill for gas, water and electricity?
    In most cases yes. Rental properties are generally offered without an advance payment for gas, water and electricity. The tenant needs to arrange these contracts in their own name. In some cases, an advance payment is made for the costs of gas, water and electricity. We see this with temporary or short period rental and when there are no separate meters in the property.
  • How many keys do I have to hand over to the tenant?
    It is customary to hand over 2 sets to a tenant. In addition, it is wise to keep a set yourself and when a property manager is active to hand over a set as well.
  • Sell or rent out your home? Contact us. Call: 020-8203676

  • Sell or rent out your home? Contact us. Call: +31(0)20-8208772

  • Sell or rent out your home? Contact us. Call: +31(0)23-5329817

  • Sell or rent out your home? Contact us. Call: +31(0)71-7601632
