Sell a property

Selling your property? These are our five tips to make your property stand out!

Tim van Breukelen
-26 augustus 2024
4 min

In today's competitive housing market, it is more important than ever to get your property noticed by potential buyers. With so many houses for sale, it is essential to use smart strategies and effective tools to attract attention and sell your property quickly and at a good price. To find out what works, you must first also experience what doesn't. Lesson learned to reap the benefits at a later stage. Here are some of the most popular tools and techniques used to get a property noticed.

1. Professional Photography
What works: High-quality photographs are crucial when selling a property. Professional photographers know how to capture the best features of your home by using the right lighting, angles and composition. High-quality photos make your property look attractive and inviting on websites and in brochures. It is also important to take nice surrounding photos, this is quite often forgotten.

What does not work: Home-made photos with a smartphone or low-quality camera can give the impression that the property is not well maintained or that the seller is not serious. This can put off potential buyers.

2. Virtual Tours and 3D Tours
Virtual tours and 3D tours allow potential buyers to ‘walk’ through your property remotely and get a better sense of the layout and rooms. This is especially useful for buyers who do not live nearby or have limited time to schedule a physical viewing.

3. Home Staging
Home staging is professionally decorating a property to make it more appealing to a wide range of potential buyers. By presenting rooms in a neutral and attractive way, buyers can more easily imagine what it would be like to live there.

Note: Going overboard with the styling or too personalized décor can actually be distracting. Buyers want to be able to imagine how they can apply their own style in the home.

4. Social media marketing
Social media are powerful tools to bring your property to the attention of a wide audience. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn offer the opportunity to post targeted ads that specifically target potential buyers in certain regions or demographic groups.

What doesn't work: Without a proper plan or using targeted ads, social media marketing can quickly become ineffective. Posts without clear photos, a good description or a clear call-to-action can easily be overlooked.

5. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) for Real Estate websites
Optimising your property's text and description for search engines can make your property appear higher in search results. This increases visibility and the chances of potential buyers finding your property.

Poor or excessive SEO practices, such as overusing keywords, can harm the readability of your property description and put off potential buyers.


Selling a property is not just about having a good location and an attractive price; it is also about presenting your property effectively and using the right tools. Professional photography, virtual tours, home staging, social media marketing and SEO are all valuable strategies that, if applied correctly, can make your property stand out in a crowded market. However, avoid amateurish attempts and ensure that every aspect of presenting your property is professional and well thought out.

With the right approach, your property can quickly attract the attention of the right buyer, leading to a successful sale.